

Monday, October 11, 2010

Breakfast....before dinner!

So, Let's talk about Breakfast before dinner!  I have always been big on
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" not only to my students at
school but very much so for my own children.  You just don't have the energy your
body needs to go throughout the day without it.
     Today, since it is a holiday, I decided to make our traditional Coffee Cake.
Though we don't drink coffee, it is hard to find a better name than that for this
wonderful breakfast cake.  I think my boys like it the most because it is filled
with brown "sugar".  Which explains why I only cook it on a holiday and only
every now and then. 
     So, I will post the recipe and pictures and I hope that it will soon become a
family tradition for you.  And keep your comments's taken me a
couple of years just to get this recipe the way MY family likes it. 
You will need the following ingredients:
CAKE:  4 cups of Bisquick, 1 1/3 cups milk, 4 TBSP Sugar, 2 eggs.
TOPPING: 1 1/2 cups Bisquick, 2 1/2 cups Light Brown Sugar, 3 Tsp Cinnamon, 15 TBSP margarine
                   and 2 TBSP margarine set to the side (not part of cake or topping).
This makes a large pan of 16 x 12 rectangle cause my family loves it.  I use the Decorative Wilton Cake Pan.

 Heat the oven to 375 degrees.  Mix all ingredients for the cake (not topping) till it looks like this:

TOPPING:  In a large bowl, mix together all ingredients of the topping list slicing in butter and enlist any help you can find!  LOL
I like to use a pastry cutter to blend in the butter well until your topping looks crumbly like this:

When mixed well, add 1/2 cup into the cake dough and mix lightly. 

Then spread it out into the long decorative pan sprayed with PAM cooking spray.  It won't look like much dough and it you wanted a thicker cake just shorten the size of the pan.  Top with 2 TBSP of butter sliced and placed on the dough.

With your hands, scoop up the Topping and sprinkle over the dough in the pan until covered.  (It will be sticky because it has butter in it.)
 Bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees.  Take out of the oven.  I always like to tap the pan once on the stovetop and let the brown sugar fall (2nd picture below).  (Kids love it!) 

(Thanks to my son, Christopher, photographer and helper!)
I always say that if your are trying to sell your house make some amazing dish like this, or bread, or cookies and people WILL remember how wonderful your house was!
                   Tonight....Heavenly Harvest Pork Roast!
           As for now, Frugal Saucey Texan says...."Dig in, Folks!"

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